
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 10

In this episode the crew talks about some new releases, Manni talks about his game against local hero Cody. If you're sick of the sound of James' voice, he's not here this week so it's time to get in to the podcast. Because they made me; you can find the members of the cast on instagram: Ben - @tiny_paint_aint_quaint  Craig - @archmagos_insanecheese James - @iamdornhub Manni - @dungeons_and_melta

The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 9

This episode the crew go in to our top 3 and worst 3 changes between the Horus Heresy first and second editions. Please send all corrections directly to Craig who you can find on instagram at @archmagos_insanecheese .

The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 8

In this episode we ramble for a while and then get into the some picks for the top 3 best units in Horus Heresy 2nd edition. Think we were wrong, or you don't like Manni's picks? Drop us an email to 

The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 7

In this episode we try and lure each other in to playing one of our top 3 tabletop games. Ben's games: 1. Warmaster 2. Blitzkrieg Commander / Coldwar Commander 3. DBA - De Bellis Antiquitatis Craig's games: 1. Relic Blade 2. Polyversal 3. Dropfleet Commander Manni's games: 1. Spectre Operations 2. Adeptus Titanicus 3. Team Yankee James' games: 1. Gorkamorka 2. Mordheim 3. Turnip28 / Sludge