
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 20

The 7th of the 7th, as foretold by the ancient texts a shining beacon shall descend from the heavens upon that day. On this, the most auspicious of days we bring you delicious audio to tickle at your cochlea.  Episode 20 has arrived, and with it we have hopefully overcome the recording issues that plagued us for a while. Listen in to hear the latest game reports, and we are finally ready to talk about MOAB. As usual we would like to hear your feedback, corrections, challenges, shade, pre-event interviews; Ben - @tiny_paint_aint_quaint  Craig - @archmagos_insanecheese James - @iamdornhub Manni - @dungeons_and_melta We can also be found at

The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 19

In this episode we experience more unfortunate Craig the robot drop outs with the audio. Powering through intermittent interruptions we finish the Siege of Cthonia book, getting in to the inductii and maybe even talking about the mysterious chaos assassin. If you would like to reach out and help us with Craig, we appreciate the thought but it appears to be working; however you should still write in to or contact us directly on instagram with the details below: Ben - @tiny_paint_aint_quaint  Craig - @archmagos_insanecheese James - @iamdornhub Manni - @dungeons_and_melta