The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 14

We had a full house for episode 14 and the guys go into how to make an evolving narrative, themed army with a story. After that we go in to the difficult units you will face across the table in Horus Heresy 2 and how to beat them. So leave your lascannons at home and consign your Contemptors to quiet contemplation, after this tactical masterclass you're going to have better ways to play the game and overcome challenges.

There's a bit of quality issues with James' audio this week, we're aware of it and working on getting him a headset that isn't made of tin cans and a piece of string.

If you would like a list reviewed, or if you want to get involved with the Mournival or any of the games we talk about; please reach out on social media:

Ben - @tiny_paint_aint_quaint 
Craig - @archmagos_insanecheese
James - @iamdornhub
Manni - @dungeons_and_melta

We can also be found at


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