The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 16B

In this episode with Manni still away due to the vagaries of warp travel we break open the emergency glass case and release the Droppod Demon, the Deepstrike Disaster, the Master of Mastadons; Donno.

We recount another amazing game between Donnos Sons of Horus and James' noble Imperial Fists. Ben talks about some games he's been playing and Craig offers moral support and comfort to James after another crushing defeat.

This is an amazing episode and you should listen to pick up tried and proven deep strike tech to make your list writing more interesting and dynamic.

If you would like to write a petition to #freemanni please don't, he will return next week. Instead you could find us on social media and mix it up;

Ben - @tiny_paint_aint_quaint 
Craig - @archmagos_insanecheese
James - @iamdornhub
Manni - @dungeons_and_melta

Donno - @cthonian_ganger


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