The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 24

This episode we listen to Ben recount some games he's played recently, talk about some hobby progress and then dig into the Daemon Engines release. Is this the episode where Craig finally gets the tools he needs to make his Mechanicum army good? Doubtful. But that's okay because Ben can only use one of his two Brass Scorpions.

A big shoutout to for sponsoring the Ironcage MOAB 30K event. Go check out their range, build a table and become a citizen soldier.

If you would like to get in touch and help James write a competent list for a change; you can find us below:

Ben - @tiny_paint_aint_quaint 
Craig - @archmagos_insanecheese
James - @iamdornhub
Manni - @dungeons_and_melta

We can also be found at


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