The Ironcage Podcast - Episode 34

Finally; after a year of podcasting the crew begins to take show notes to write up a meaningful description.

First up James, our resident lunatic is making a silent dice tray, and rambles at the other hosts until they silence him.

Then we move into a battle of wits between Manni and James; Manni has learnt of James' latest plot which if left unchecked would allow him to run a unit of Angel's Tears as troops in his Alphalegion Destroyer company ZM force. Will Manni be able to prevent this nonsense?

Which brings us finally to the meat of the episode; the hosts dig into the conclusion of the Murder in Mortdale event. We talk about James' list tailoring to beat Manni, and the consequences of his failure.

Do you want to get excited for Legions Imperialis and The Old World? Come dive in with us on social media;

#1 Ben - @tiny_paint_aint_quaint
#2 Manni - @dungeons_and_melta

# Other losers
Craig - @archmagos_insanecheese
James - @iamdornhub

We can also be found at


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